Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

I don't know if anyone still checks this blog, but the Create Common Good staffers came down to SoCal this Memorial Day weekend! Our team got to hang out with them at a barbecue yesterday and it was a great feeling being together with them and their families (doh! so cute!), but also just hanging out with the team (I missed you guys more than you might think...). The food was phenomenal and the conversation even more so, as we were introduced to many Newsong-goers who were in some way connected to CCG, or Thailand, or just missions in general. It's funny that I see a lot of the kids in Noah's Place every week, but now I get to meet their parents and the dots sort of just connect.

We got to see the staff during and after service today at Newsong! I was just sitting as usual, listening as they introduced themselves and their organization to the congregation, but then they showed a clip of the footage Abe Park took during his short stay in Boise the same week we were up there. The live images just brought everything back; in my head I was saying "Hey! I was there at the exact moment this was happening! I saw this in person!" and it made me miss Boise a little more than I already did.

Not gonna lie, I was super duper encouraged and inspired by these amazing people this weekend. It is such a privilege to have been able to work alongside them. Our God is too good.

P.S. if you still check this blog, major props, you are a cool person.

Quote of the weekend:
"Ducks can fly??" --Brittany Chew :)