Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We are...

CUTE. I like/love (inside joke...kind of), our team! Even though it's only been a few days, I've been learning so much about these amazing people on the team, and every moment is an adventure with them. :) Here is evidence of why we are so cute:

This is us at Big City Coffee in Downtown Boise. Tyler showed us around and we even went to the Capitol Building! (What, what?!) Coffee at this place was ah-mazing. Ever since this trip started, whenever Tyler suggests coffee, everyone, and I mean everyone, on the team turns over to look at me. However, this time around, everyone (except Nate), got a drink! What up. David and Michael really enjoyed their drinks...

That's it for tonight, folks!

Random Fact: People in Boise actually pronounce the "s" in Boise. The girls and I noticed that we say Boise with a "z".

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