Tuesday, March 22, 2011

a day without laughter is a day wasted

So according to Angela, 10 minutes of laughter a day gives you abs. Washboard abs. Therefore, I'm pretty sure we'll all be coming home with washboard abs after this trip since learning to communicate with the refugees has been quite the experience. I'm not going to lie, its been hard and not something I really prepared myself for or thought too much about coming into this trip, but the challenge has been a good one and a fun one too. Today we visited the IRC, International Rescue Committee, where we helped a few of the refugees practice their English and prepare them for work interviews. I had the privilege of talking to Nah-Kaw who had very limited English as she just moved to Boise 4 months ago. A lot of the time, I would ask her a question and she wouldn't be able to understand what I was asking so we'd go back and forth for a little bit and then just start laughing in our confusion. But laughing with her is really what encouraged me and helped me to see that even though each refugee has been through so much more than I could ever imagine, they have come to Boise with very positive outlooks on life. They have a vibrance that is contagious and I feel like being in the presence of their joy fills me up with that same joy.

And of course bonding with the girls about wheelbarrows will definitely satisfy the 10 minutes required for those washboard abs. Especially with conversations that go something like this:
Megan: "Wheelbarrows have 5 wheels."
Me: "No they have 3."
Angela: "Uhh no. They have 1."
Everyone: "ohhh. yeh."

But alas, it's time to catch some shut eye according to mama steph so I shall have to leave you with that small taste from our day, but more updates are to come! fo.sho. :)

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