Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thoughts Pre-Depature

Well, alright. We're not leaving for another 15 hours, but y'know what I mean. :)

Ever since Michael and I met Tara a few weeks ago, I've been super excited for what we're going to do there, and just see a glimpse of all that Create Common Good is all about. Some things are still up in the air, but we're just going to go with the flow, and not say no.

God is so impeccable with His timing, it's ridiculous. The latter half of winter quarter, I felt very weighed down by the looming thought of the future -- what my plans are for post-graduation, if my plans will even go through, and thoughts of the like. Yet, something that He's been repeating to me over and over again is to trust Him one step at a time. In life, we're never going to know where we're going to end up 5 years down the road; anything can change. Trusting God is ridiculously frightening, but that's the crazy thing about faith.

As we go forth into pretty much unknown territory, all we can do is trust Him, literally day-by-day. Please pray for our journey to Boise and that the drive will be smooth. Also, pray that we can bond together as a team and truly exemplify Christ's united body to whoever we interact with during our one week together.

We'll keep ya posted! Thanks for stopping by!

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