Monday, March 21, 2011

Roti, Projects, and Refugees

After a healthy and organic breakfast with our host and main confidant Tyler, our team headed out to buy some groceries and then Create Common Good offices to get a feel for their training programs and mission statement. There we met Angie, Eileen, Tara and the rest of the awesome staff here at Cg. Check out their website at!

We found out that most of the refugee staff members right now are from Bhutan, as well as Congo and Eritrea. Lunchtime was the first opportunity to interact with a few of them, including Devi, the head farmer. We enjoyed a delicious Bhutanese lunch of roti and curry that we got to help prepare. The roti made were like these donut things also similar to chinese you tiao. They were a unique taste that everyone wolfed down.

We also got to take a tour of the farm area, which is in its early stages of planting. The total area of farm is roughly 5.5 acres and boasts six types of potato and ten varieties of lettuce. The church site where our headquarters are is also beautiful with a majestic view of "Lucky Peak."

After learning more about the plight of the refugees and their home countries, we set to work on some preliminary project work. Some of the exciting tasks for the week: creating signage identifying the different vegetables (team britt and megan), creating a huge map/sign of the farm (angela and fooks), and creating one pager and half page profiles of the refugees and their stories (team david, stephanie and nate). The projects are all great opportunities to leave a tangible mark on Cg. They have a mission statement to always exceed expectations and so far everything has definitely been awesome so far. If possible, I feel like team morale has gone up even higher.

Finally, big thanks to our host families for being incredibly hospitable.

Quote of the day: "The great thing about my job is when I get bored of all my professional work behind a computer, I can go out and use my muscles, which are ample." - Tyler, our science camp counselor-esque host.

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