Saturday, March 19, 2011

Here We Go!

So we're counting down the hours until take-off! It seems almost surreal to me that at this same time tomorrow night we'll actually be IN Boise, Idaho preparing to start our week with Create Common Good. I'm actually kind of excited for the wonderful 15 hour drive even though I've never ridden in a car that long. ever. We'll see if I feel just as excited 8 hours in... :) But even more exciting is finally being able to meet the staff that we've heard all about and been in communication with from Create Common Good as well as see all that God has in stored for this team. I believe God is going to do great and amazing things this week and I pray that we would be able to be open to whatever the Spirit leads us to do, to be bold for Him and above all, to love. Love the people we're with, the people we meet, and the people God places into our lives this week. Here we go!!!

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